Now Enrolling: Don't miss out!


Training tomorrow’s stars, today.

Through private voice lessons and one-on-one voice coaching, you’ll learn…

Everything you need to be a star.

We don’t just teach voice lessons, we teach young talented stars how to be the best they can be.

[/sixcol_two] [sixcol_three]  Singer Singing  [/sixcol_three] [sixcol_one_last]

Sing with your real voice

Discover vocal control one-on-one & learn artist-to-artist how to make a career of your voice.


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Community ICON

A community.

A home for musicians.

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Professional Music Lessons

The core of every musician’s journey… meet face-to-face weekly with a pro coach. Make progress, maintain focus, cultivate long-term growth.

Explore Music Lessons >



What could a pro [typed string0=”voice” string1=”piano” string2=”guitar” string3=”bass” string4=”drum” string5=”keyboard” typeSpeed=”39″ startDelay=”135″ backSpeed=”36″ backDelay=”700″ loop=”1″ shuffle=”1″]coach

[typography size=”29″ size_format=”px” color=”#474747″]help you achieve?[/typography]



Join the community!

Get started this week! Register now online and meet with your new coach this week!

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Spark something bigger!

Regular weekly voice lessons are your first step. Every week, we’ll come to your home to sing and teach you.

Every voice performer you’ve heard: on the radio, TV, online–they all have a voice teacher, coaching and teaching them the things they need to know as a professional singer.



Vocal Training for Performance

One-on-One. Private.

Professional voice lessons.

Vocal Training for Performance teaches you to sing with proper vocal technique. Cultivate new skills in stage presence, breathing technique, performance preparation, and audition success. Work One-on-One improving control & range, while learning to sing in a healthy way.

[button link=”” size=”small”]Learn more[/button]

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Vocal Performance Coaching

One-on-One. Private.

Professional vocal coaching.

Coaching services for active performing artists.

[button link=”” size=”small”]Vocal Coaching[/button]

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Prospective Students - ICON

It’s easy to get started…

Register now for weekly sessions!

[button link=”/register/”]Register Now[/button]



Still wondering if this is for you?

Katrina Pfitzner School of Voice

Offering Voice Lessons, Piano Lessons, and Guitar Lessons like no other: fun, exciting, and convenient, you’ll grow every week.

Have questions?

Feel free to contact us with any remaining questions. If you’d like more information about what we offer, please  provide your information and we will contact you to discuss what we can do for you.

New Student FAQs –>

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